Friday 13 April 2012

Tim's English Homework - My Easter Holiday

I am really pleased with the progress Tim has been making with his English literacy. (At times I forget he is my little Norwegian boy;) Apart from a few years in preschool, all his schooling has been in the local Norwegian school. He speaks fluent English with Tae and I and we try to do a little English with him each week (and not very consistently) - at times this is painful and it has been known for us to fall out over it;) He has not done very much writing, mostly reading and grammar work.
This week at school, the homework assignment for all the 5th Grade students was to write at least half a page describing their Easter break. They were given some key phrases and parent support was encouraged. 
I gave very little support as I was curious to see what he produced. I only helped him brain storm some ideas of what to include. No spelling or grammar correction at all:)) This is what he wrote .....

For my Easter holiday 2012, we travelled to M***y and visited family. Tae, daddy and I started driving at 7.30 in the morning the first Saturday of Easter and we came to M***y at 2 o clock. We travelled by car and we had to use two ferrys to cross the fjords. When we came there, we were happily greeted by my Farmor.

A few hours later, my uncle and cusins arrived from Oslo. My uncle is called R** and my cusins are called E** and I**.  Farmor cooked us a very nice dinner. We ate tacos.

The next day we hung out at home playing games. On Munday we went to the shops and bought our Easter goodies and as usual we had a very nice dinner.

On Tuesday we went bowling and I won. It was quite we funny. E** was fed up because he was losing so he asked me to throw the bowling ball and I got 2 strikes in a row. Then we started laughing.

My mum arrived that night. She had been in England celibrating my Nanas birthday.

Over the next days I went bowling again. We went for a few walks even on the beach wen it was snowing. My Farmor got sick and was in bed for a whole day. She got a bit better the next day.

My mum orgenized an Easter egg hunt. First she hid the eggs and then we went looking for them. We had three eggs each to find and an egg cup with a chocolate egg in.

On Sunday we went home to B** in the car. On the Munday we just relaxed at home.

My Easter has been exiting and fun.  I enjoyed the Easter egg hunt most.

For a boy who HATES writing, I think he did a pretty good job. On paper it turned into over two pages! What made me chuckle the most was his spelling of Mo(u)nday. Anyone who knows my accent will totally understand the spelling!! According to him, it is playing his online computer games Mindcraft and Runescape that is the reason he can read and write in English and nothing to do with mummy's blood, sweat and tears!

I'm guessing this is what he means by 'hanging out' with his brother.

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