Friday 18 November 2011

Let's Talk About Tim....

Let's talk about Tim.

Where do I start?

Well, he has a beautiful soul and a heart of gold. He is kind and thoughtful. Tonight, I'm tired and Tig is sick, so he is putting Tae to bed. Gotta love older brothers and yes, he is only 10 years old.

It's not always apparent how sensitive he is, he is very good at hiding this to others. This is partially due to his lively personality.  He is not usually the one quietly sitting in the corner;) He knows where the line is and has been known to pop his toe over it, but when caught, takes full responsibilty and often charms his way out of it;)

He has a great sense of  humour and will often tease or laugh at himself. Tonight when I was eating some of my English chocolates, he said it wasn't fair that I wouldn't share, because he shares everything with me; even his washing;)

He adores and loves his brother more than words can describe.

He is very determind, stubborn and knows his own mind (traits all my 3 men have - heaven help me)!

So, this brings me to why I wanted to document who he is at this moment in time.

This week we had his Grade Five parent conference with his new teacher. Before the conference he was very nervous, to the point that he suggested holding off on his pocket money until afterwards in case he didn't deserve it:0 We asked him a few times why? We explained that if there was anything we needed to know, please tell us rather than find out from the teacher!

We have no illusions that Tim can be a monkey, but basically he is also a good kid. But to be honest, he'd made me slightly nervous too.

So in we went.....

and you know what? 'the boy did good'!

He is trying hard, paying more attention in class and getting his work done. Previously, if Tim didn't see the point of an activity, he had a hard time engaging in it.

We have always been told that he is strong academically and his National Tests results reflected this. He did amazing ..... phew!!

My sensitive little bundle of energy is growing up. He is taking responsibility and is going in the right direction.

So not only is he gorgeous on the inside, charming, and a handsome devil on the outside (I know I'm biased) he is also a smart cookie!!

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