Saturday 24 September 2011

Fire Station Fun

Today was open day at all the fire stations in our area and with a 2 year old who is 'bee-boo' crazy, it really was not an option for us not to go!!

Tim was a little hesistant and felt he was too old to visit a fire station, but, he gave in and came along after we explained it was a family trip.

There was lots of fun activities on offer for all ages.

Tae was fascinated to actually be up so close to a real fire truck and real firemen!!  For the first 10 mins he just stood there in silence taking it all in with a very serious look on his face. Tim went off to the refreshment stand and bought a hotdog and a coke;)

I think the highlight of the trip for Tae was riding in the fire engine with the lights flashing and horns ringing for the last 2 mins of the drive!! The fireman was so nice and even had a childrens music CD playing in the cab whilst we were on the ride.

Tim enjoyed the water shooting practise, but Tae found the strong water shooting a little too scary and ran off.

Without doubt Tim LOVED the Zip line. I think we won him over that the fire station was not the worse way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

I'm not actually sure, who enjoyed the trip more, Tim or Tae? :))

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