Saturday, 24 August 2013

Beginning a new normal

I know a lot of people who care for us have been asking - or wanting to ask - 'how are you doing? or how are the boys?'

Quite a loaded question;) I usually answer:

we are fine
we are taking it one day at a time
its tough, but we are doing our best.

There is no answer that explains the gap left in our lives.

We are slowly trying to find our new normal.

Tim has been back at school and football practice for one week.
Tae is back at day care.
I've been back at work for 2 weeks now.

The house is clean, the boys are fed and we all wear clean clothes.
I'd say that pretty much sums it up.

We are carrying on.
The turmoil inside each of us continues and we are talking together and trying to make sense of it.

There are still tears, frustration and new firsts without Stig each and everyday, but we keep going.

My MIL is staying with us and has been amazing in helping the boys transition to the new school year and keeping us all fed!

I have discovered a new skill of cooking on the bbq;)

I also have some wonderful friends.

Life continues as a rollercoaster with many ups and downs, but we are also still doing our regular things, trampolinging, paddling pool, iPad, tv, lego and general hanging out and having fun.

So many people have told me I'm being strong, how tough I am, how resourceful. 

But let's be honest.... I don't think I had a choice.

I have two amazing, beautiful boys who need me to be OK. They need to know that mum has this covered, to show them we can do this.

I am taking everything I have learnt from the last 12 years of parenting with Stig and trying to do my best!

So with one step forward, one day at a time, I can do this.... I don't want to, but I can.


  1. Love and hugs to you all - you can do it and you will love life xxx

  2. Words do not come easy. The scriptures state, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." I pray you will find comfort in the days ahead. My heart aches for you, your beautiful boys and your Mother In Law. You remain in our hearts and prayers. Godspeed His goodness and mercy to each of you.

  3. Love to you all, Liz. May the Lord give you new strength for each day, and may He continue to comfort you all.

  4. OH bless you Liz!! Reading this post makes me want to cry for you, but you do not need tears, you need support! You are doing this, you are there for you boys, you are doing what needs to be done. Take care of you in the process of taking care of those beautiful boys! We all love you and care for you. Big HUGS Liz as you continue on....
