Saturday 26 November 2011

Introduction to Norlish

The language Norlish is very special and unique.

A small population use it.

Since we are a bilingual household, it sometimes leads to the third language of Norlish being used.

When Tim was younger he mostly used English and Norwegian and very little Norlish, however, Tae uses the 3 languages equally.

So, what is Norlish?

Its basically what we call the mixed up, blended version of both our languages;)

Now Tae is speaking all. the. time. it can be quite amusing to listen to him.

It's almost like he has so much to say that he can't process out the choice of English or Norwegian. The majority of the time he speaks to Tim and I in English and Tig and 'others' in Norwegian.  In most cases he does know and usually uses the correct word, but it gets muddled sometimes.

In fairness, the Norlish does come out more when he is more excited or tired. Examples include;

Mummy, what is dette (that)?

Pappa kjøre (drives) car!

Tae lage (make) the coffee.

Can I have litt brus (little bit of pop) pleeeease:)

A little mer (more).

But given that he was exposed to English, Norwegian and Korean for the first year of his life, he is doing pretty good!

Each day when Tae leaves Nursery/Barnehage he calls out to the staff
'Takk for idag' quickly followed by 'see ya later'!
Yep, he covers both bases (which they think is pretty cute;)

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