Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Easter Weekend with the 'Lovely Ones'

So, we  escaped to the country for a few days of relaxing with good company. Although the main agenda of the weekend was to do as little as possible, when I looked back the fun kept rolling on. 

So over the 3 days there was - treasure hunting, marshmellow toasting, laughing and giggling, wood whittling, swimming, bbqing, tractor riding, talking to cows! (that would be Mr Tae), tree climbing, fishing, hiking, gossip sharing, long breakfasts and last but by no means least, my new skill of wood chopping!! (oh and did I mention the Chablis drinking;)

Crazy boys swimming in the fjord which was aprox 8c brrrrrrr!!

Tim, I believe you are suppose to toast - not burn the marshmellow

Still needed to wrap up when relaxing on the balcony when the sun went down

Breakfast with homemade rolls - there are serious perks when your best buddies are chefs!

Off inspecting the boats in the bay with Pappa

Needing help up the hill on the way back to the cabin

Deep in thought? Chasing a butterfly or escaping mummy?? Pick your title!

Peas in a pod!

Someone had great fun all weekend

Tae off for a walk with the best babysitter T. Yes, the backpack was for the spare nappy

Fishing for dinner (we ended up with meat balls - enough said;)

A very wind swept picture of Tae and I - and yes Im holding him tight as he loved exploring on the boat!


Tae enjoying the boat ride this time as he was awake!!

Thanks to the 'Lovely Ones' for a fabulous weekend and I cant wait to try out my wood choping skills again next time. 


  1. "The Lovely ones" Is aqtualy a group of 6;)
    Nice pictures Liz! There is more wood waiting for you! Any time;)

  2. It looks lovely! And a bit cold.
